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CIGoutlet Tobacco News
American cigarette manufacturers have filed a lawsuit against the FDA.
The largest US tobacco companies filed a lawsuit in the US District Court for the District of Columbia against the Federal Office of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
read more ...05/04/15
Interesting facts about cigarettes, countries - tobacco leaders.
Every minute in the world are sold about 8-10 million cigarettes and daily 13-15 billion cigarettes.
read more ...04/01/15
Anti-smoking campaigns run to extremes.
It is strange to what can bring the foolishness of anti-smoking crusaders in their attempts to impose all the rules of a healthy lifestyle, even if they lead to a violation of all norms, artistic freedom and civil society.
read more ...03/03/15
Former tobacco executives tells students about health risks of smoking and more


Students at Truman High School saw "The Insider" on Friday. Not the movie -- the man.

Jeffrey Wigand, the subject of the Oscar-nominated movie, is the former Brown & Williamson executive who broke the tobacco industry's code of silence when he appeared on "60 Minutes." In the now-famous interview with Mike Wallace, he told how toxic chemicals were added to tobacco to enhance the addictive quality of cigarettes. Wigand's message to Truman students, however, went far beyond the health risks of smoking. He told them about the bullet in the mailbox and the middle-of-the-night death threats. He said Brown & Williamson squashed the First Amendment by using courts to bully CBS into postponing the "60 Minutes" segment. The tobacco industry was desperate to shut him up, he said, because he knew the secret of how cigarette companies hustled 3,000 teens each day into becoming habitual smokers. And he knew how they ensured future sales with addictive, lethal additives.

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